tirsdag den 10. januar 2012

Another Tuesday....

Morning stalkers..

I'm at school and that is to boring for me....That's where you come in...I LOVE WRITING TO YA...So I'm making a bad situation into a nice situation...
Now that's a situation..

Another Tuesday out of many.. Not sure why I'm writing that, but..

Quotes, try to explain to your self what quotes are?
You can't!!
Try to say this to yourself....
"What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger"
This quote is important for me because, in life there are ups and down. Downs only makes me stronger, so just think of that when it happens to you...

If you got any quotes you're saying to yourself when you need tell me I will post them so people can get inspiration....


lørdag den 7. januar 2012

My mood today..

Morning fellas...

As is said yesterday I was going to find my Confirmation dress yesterday, and guess what...I didn't found it!
So I'm kind of stressed out, because it's soon!
Today's agenda is busy...
Going to a birthday party
Eat at my grandma's crib
Hang out with my number one girlfriend...

So Kind of busy, but of course I had to write on my blog....
If I can fit it in I will upload some photos of something later, going to consider what..Ideas?

Mood today: Party Mode!!

fredag den 6. januar 2012

Going to write again...

Hey darlings...

So I decided to write again because I miss you...
Today I'm going to write about my Confirmation because it's soon!
Today I'm going to find a dress. In Denmark there is a tradition when you're getting married or having a confirmation you got to wear white, so I have to find a white dress. 
My Confirmation is the 29th of april. That is a very special day for me, and I can't wait!
If I find a dress today I'm gonna upload a picture!

Glad to be back Peeps..


onsdag den 16. november 2011


Hey sweeties...

I'm so sorry I didn't write you untill now, I've been so busy...
But I'm back..
I'm having theme week about the Middle East, and it's kind of boring..
Right now I'm with my group writing about all of the conflicts in the Middle East..
Tomorrow I'm gonna make arabian food with my sister...
It's not that boring, I rather do this than school.

So what have you guys been up to?

I'm considering to stop writing, I just don't got the time...Sorry

Remember I love you


lørdag den 12. november 2011

Happy birthday....

Morning guys..

So I'm laying in my bed with the most incredible presents and I'm lovin' it...
So Happy birtday to me!!
Finally I'm 14, and it feels good..
My guests are coming, in about 2 hours and that means even  more presents..

I reached 200 views from you guys.. THANKYOU LOVE ON YOU....
Sorry I didn't write yesterday, but I didn't have the time..Sorry

I'm gonna write all my presents later!!


fredag den 11. november 2011

Hey guys...

So I'm at my very good friend Isabella. We're gonna watch Paranormal Activity 2!
Have you seen Paranormal Activity?
It's soooo scary and we're already afraid..

So as you of course know my birthday is coming up, and of course I'm excited.
So in exactly 4 hours and 40 minutes I can say my birthday is tomorrow.. Muahahha that's cool...
You'd already hear my wishes,  and I'm hoping for all my wishes to come true..

The movie is getting started so I'll se you beautiful people...

Morning people..
So can you guess where I am?
Yes you're right I'm at school….having English
My thought were that I would share my birthday wishes..Remember my birthday 13th of November..
My biggest wish is the new iPod Touch in white!!
This iPod is my absolute biggest wish..
It's white and there is camera and it can do everything so nice!

My second wish is probably MONEY!!

This is the Danish money.
Money is always good...

Last wish is probably...
Well I don't know, any ideas`?

So guys I will write tonight, comment if you have any ideas for new wishes....


torsdag den 10. november 2011

Me, Myself and I

Morning beautiful people

So today is just about me. I usually don't do that, but today I do…
I'm turning 14 in 3 days
I'm going to 8th grade right now. And trust me, I'm tired of school….
I'm having Danish right now)-:
Singing is my favourite hobby and I just love, I been doing it for years.
My confirmation is the 29th April 2012.
I have a big sister, big brother and a little brother. My mom and dad are divorced.
So that was me, a little boring so I'm gonna write about something ells…

The youngest billionaires:
So Mark Zuckerberg  is the richest billionaire in the world.
·     Age: 27
·     Net worth as of September 2011: $17.5 billion
·     Source: Facebook, self-made
·     Residence: San Francisco
·     Country of citizenship: United States 
·     Education: Harvard University dropout
·     Marital status: Single
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad buy all of the things I never had….
Love you guys


onsdag den 9. november 2011


Hey guys, happy Wednesday....or something...?

So I am laying in my bed this particular Wednesday,and being sick)-;
My stomach hurts like hell..And hell hurts...
I'm watching Glee, Do you know Glee?
It's my favorite show, just gotta love it....
My favorite characters is Quinn and Puck (Noah Puckermann)
Quinn had a baby but gave it to Rachel's mom....'!
Puck is just hot.....
If you don't know Glee then read this..
Glee is a choir at a school. The choir is very douche bag ish but at the end many people join, and all got  serious talent! The competing against other choir, but unfortunately they lose. They gets better and better... I'm watching season 2 now..

Not what I want to talk about. I want to show you my favorite high heels.
High heels is important if you're going out. Here is some ideas...

 i love these shoes, they are amazing!!
 The perfect summer party shoes..
 Sexy shoes....
 One of a kind shoes, and love that color!
 I'm not quite sure about these but uploaded them anyway. 
You can think about it, and write you opinion..

Find more shoes go to: Facebook.com and search: Amazing Shoes

Love on you!


tirsdag den 8. november 2011

Hey guys….
So I'm of course at school, big surprise`
I just performed a PowerPoint about a festival on Sri Lanka. Not funny I hate it…Everybody is looking at me and I just freeze like a ice sculpture…..
So that is not funny, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about…

Today is actually going to be boring, I just have to make homework all day. It's going to be late, I have singing class, and I actually have a private teacher so that's cool….I'm singing a song by Colbie Calliat; Bubbly, I'm sure you know the song…
I'm going to write about thanksgiving that's coming up soon. Are you having thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is so nice, family, turkey, prayers and it's so cosey.
 I'm not celebrating thanksgiving, cause we're not celebrating that in Denmark..
But many of you guys do...
We're having turkey anyway.
Is it a tradition at your home`?

I'm gonna write you beautiful people later


mandag den 7. november 2011


Hey guys..

Sorry for not writing you until now but I've been doing so much!
I'm obsessed with baby names, and I love to tell other people about my favorite names!
So are you ready?

Okay, so if I had twins right now, right here, and it was to beautiful prinsesses I would call them:

Leonora Sophie
Alma Sophie

Many people are against sisters or brothers sharing middle name, but I like it.
It's two names I love so much, and the future husband doesn't have a vote at all haha!

So if I got 2 beautiful princes I would call them


I haven't got any middle names for the boys, but I hope it will come to me...All my kids are gonna have a middle name no matter what...

So If I get one each (1 girl & 1 boy) I would call them

Leonora Sophie
Tristan (Middle name)
So as you can see those are my 2 favorite.
If you got questions, or if you think I should hear your names you are welcome to write me..

Don't have time to write you later, but I will tomorrow I promise.

Love ya chicks


søndag den 6. november 2011


So I'm of course still watching the EMA
And Jason Derulo just performed!
He is absolutely amazing, but not that good live.
It doesn't matter he performed, and he is still incredible!

22 minutes left!!
Before it all starts

Keep watching!!