tirsdag den 10. januar 2012

Another Tuesday....

Morning stalkers..

I'm at school and that is to boring for me....That's where you come in...I LOVE WRITING TO YA...So I'm making a bad situation into a nice situation...
Now that's a situation..

Another Tuesday out of many.. Not sure why I'm writing that, but..

Quotes, try to explain to your self what quotes are?
You can't!!
Try to say this to yourself....
"What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger"
This quote is important for me because, in life there are ups and down. Downs only makes me stronger, so just think of that when it happens to you...

If you got any quotes you're saying to yourself when you need tell me I will post them so people can get inspiration....


lørdag den 7. januar 2012

My mood today..

Morning fellas...

As is said yesterday I was going to find my Confirmation dress yesterday, and guess what...I didn't found it!
So I'm kind of stressed out, because it's soon!
Today's agenda is busy...
Going to a birthday party
Eat at my grandma's crib
Hang out with my number one girlfriend...

So Kind of busy, but of course I had to write on my blog....
If I can fit it in I will upload some photos of something later, going to consider what..Ideas?

Mood today: Party Mode!!

fredag den 6. januar 2012

Going to write again...

Hey darlings...

So I decided to write again because I miss you...
Today I'm going to write about my Confirmation because it's soon!
Today I'm going to find a dress. In Denmark there is a tradition when you're getting married or having a confirmation you got to wear white, so I have to find a white dress. 
My Confirmation is the 29th of april. That is a very special day for me, and I can't wait!
If I find a dress today I'm gonna upload a picture!

Glad to be back Peeps..