So happy Saturday...or something?
Are you so bored as me?
Here is 10 cool things to do in the weekend:
2. Check out your motorcycle skills.
3. Visit a day spa or weekend spa
4. Go see a opera or a theater
5. Book a last minute hotel room
6. Go sightseeing
7. Make a picnic with your family or friends
8. Bake the most beautiful cake/cupcake
9. Sing till your voice breaks at a concert
10. Have a chilllax weekend!
That was 10 good ideas...
I actually think I'm gonna do some of it!
Because until now I'm bored!
So if you got any more ideas write them or make up you own
Gonna write later see ya' guys
Hey Mathilde
SvarSletThat was 10 very cool ideas.
I think I'm gonna do number 8.
I love baking, and I'm actually pretty good at it!
Thanks for the ideas!
Looooove Brynn